Thursday, December 27, 2007

The goods

my sisters have been bugging me about doing another post ever since i got home, but i've been too busy. Last week i got to be lazy and just hang around. I saw the Golden Compass with my friend Jessie. that movie was interesting, but i think my favorite part was when the polar bears were fighting and the one polar bear torn the other one's jaw off. it was a "did that just really happen?" kind of moment. and this is a children's movie. i dont think i'm going to see the sequel. mm, oh i went to the frontier for breakfast with lisa. i've discovered that i've become a whimp for hot green chile since i've been gone. i couldnt finish my hevous ranchos it was so hot. but good.

this week i've been working at Movie 8. i must admit that Movies 8 is so much better than Movies 10 in SLC. I was talking about the differences between the two with Fod (brother foderaro) and he was excited to hear that i prefer Movies 8 much more than my other theater.

so for christmas i got a laptop (freakin sweet!!) from mom and dad along with some towels. Shannon and company got me an i-cy which is an idog but a penguin! its really cool. oh and i also got a rug for my dorm room. Lisa is going to let me borrow a comforter from her, and i'm wondering if it will fit in my suit case. i might go and get one of those space saver bags that you use a vacum to suck all the air out.

i'm going to get on with my day. have laundry to do.

Friday, December 14, 2007

C'est fini!!

First semester is finally over!! its a wierd feeling knowing there is nothing due or a test to study for. (ha! me study? jk lol) I managed to pass math 104 with an 84% even tho I failed the final. other than my IT class (got an 85% in there with a 90% on the last test) i dont my grades. but i think i passed all my classes, which is good. I can pass that off my list.

I still have some christmas shopping to do. I have no clue what to get Roger and Renee. I got most of my friends gifts, but i'm going to get some New Mexican stuff for them. I wonder if they would like green chile fudge...naw. I am definately bring back green chile. I've gone 5 months without the good stuff. There is some in the house, but Brooke makes it on rare occasions, and its not how i remember it. I'll have to make green chile enchilladas for my friends. Oh, so i'm moving into the dorms next semester. I'll move in on the 5th of January and then start school that next monday. I'm pretty excited.

I'm even more excited to go home!! I leave Tuesday morning and get in around 3pm. I'm switching plans in Pheonix, so thats why its taking so long. And it was the only flight available for the rate i wanted. There are so many things i want to do. I have a list of people to see, resturants to eat at, and activities. hopefully i can do it all while working at the same time. and i cant forget about family time. Everyone, but Greg and company, will be in ABQ for Christmas. i'm super excited for that.

To wrap this up, it is all very exciting for me. I dont know if i can keep it in!

Sunday, December 2, 2007


Only two more weeks left in the semester, and that leaves a list of stuff to do.

  • study for finals
  • make sure all my math assignments are done
  • finish my scripture journals for Book of Mormon
  • find christmas presents for friends and family
  • try and get into the dorms (plans changed again)
  • somehow make enough money to pay for dorms, food plan, books, and whatever else pops up
  • try and not get totally stressed out.

There might be more, but I dont remember at that moment. Good thing its Fast Sunday. Also, since it is offically Christmas Season I thought I would include my wishlist, since this is a list post

  1. a laptop, if I get nothing else on my list it would not matter. A college student needs to have a laptop. (this is the one I've been looking at http:// )
  2. winter sunday clothes.
  3. a nice warm down comforter
  4. dorm stuff
  5. soundtrack to Hairspray and Across the Universe.

Just a random last thought, I let homie in to lay on his bed and he stinks. I dont know why they dont give him baths. I bet he hasn't had one since he has been here. My friends have pet rats, and the rats get more baths than the dog.