Sunday, January 27, 2008


I was on the news!! me, Sarah and Raelee were walking around temple square after hearing about President Hinckley's death and the news guy asked us if we would like to answer some questions. Only me and Sarah did, and we ended up on the 10pm news! i'm only on it for 3 seconds but its still super cool! i'm not sure how to put video on the blog still, but i'll put the link from the news website. if you dont want to watch the whole segment (its about 14mins total) just pause it and speed it up to about the 5 minute mark.

let me know if the link isnt working.

Frustrating process

So I'm finally getting around to registering my car, and it has turned out to be a long frustrating (and expensive) process. First i had to get the title from Greg so i could get the safety and emissions tested, but he was in Montana for a week. then i had to get my headlight fixed. so i go get the test and i pass the emissions but failed safety. the windshield washer pump is burned out. i found that out in December when i got my wiper blades fixed, but didn't bother with the pump. so i have to get that done within two weeks so that i don't have to pay for the safety check again. I'm just hoping that i wont get turned down at the registration place.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Brother Repeat

ok, real fast cuz I'm in class. my new pet peeve is teachers who basically teach the same thing every single class. one of my teachers, Brother James, has taught us how to outline four times now. the first two were on purpose but the third and fourth were people in my class acting stupid and asking how to outline. i just want to move on, geez!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Temple square from the view of my camera

i went to temple square with Raelee and took pictures! i wish i could of gotten some when the lights were still up from christmas but i guess i'll have to wait until next year.

friends, roommate, and dorms

okie dokie, i'm attemping to post pictures. lets see if it works.

ok, so on the left is Raelee and the right is Sarah. they are proudly wearing their twilight shirts (one for Jacob Black fans and the other for Edward Cullens fans) out of the whole group i hang out with these two the most. there is a picture of the whole group that Brooke took but still hasnt emailed to me. anyways, Sarah and Raelee are roommates and practically sisters at this point. i swear sometimes its like they are married. Raelee is from Richfield, UT (where i met her family at Thanksgiving) and Sarah from Newbury Park, CA . we mostly hang out in they're room doing random stuff.. or drive up to Centerville to go to Target and something interesting is that when one of them is out of town the room is clean and stays that way until the one returns. it was like this when Sarah was traveling alot last semester. Raelee and me blame Sarah, lol. Raelee is a little more reserved but can still go crazy at times while Sarah is outgoing and usually crazy all the time. oh, and they have rats!! pet rats. Remy and Emile are the cutest rats i've ever encountered.

i dont have a picture of my roommate yet. but finally got enough info to talk about. her name is Ndeshihafela (Ndeshi for short) She is from Nanibia, which i guess is somewhere in Africa. She is very nice and is barely ever in the room during the day. she works over at the church office building most nights, so we usually only talk for a few minutes in the morning.

I do have a picture of my room, but i'm waiting until its more neat, and it wont let me put the picture up like i want it too. the dorms are pretty nice. i like how much closer to school i am. i'm saving alot on gas. i think i filled it up last week and its not even at half a tank yet! anyways i can wake up an hour before class and get ready and then hop on trax and be right ontime for class. its amazing. hope every one enjoyed the pictures from my new camera!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Bingo Queen

so last Saturday i went to movies 10 post holiday work party. At first i wasn't planning on going but then i heard they were giving away a Nikon D40 camera (its a digital SLR camera for you technology challenged people) anyways, i knew that i had to stay to get that camera cuz mine was not working like it used to. so the game was blackout bingo, completely fair for every one. and the first 3 bingo's got a gift card although everyone ended up getting one. so the game is going on and i'm doing alright, i didnt get a bingo and people around me were starting to fill their boards. it wasnt until the end that my numbers were being called. i got sooo excited, and then i got blackout!! i was so excited that i won. i left soon after that. there would be pictures up but it didnt come with a memory card. so as soon as i get school, dorms, food plan, phone bill, and any other expense paid i'll go get a memory card.

coming soon: post about the dorms and my roommate