Friday, March 28, 2008

Video Extranzaganza!

so, I made this out of boredom one night when Sarah and Raelee were having quality roommate time. and i feel smart for being able to put up videos on my blog ^.^ when i made it i didn't hold back on photos so there are some embarrassing and inside joke type ones. but enjoy!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Should be sleeping...

I've been up past midnight every night for the past 5 nights. i should be exhausted and sleeping but I'm not. i could go out for an hour or two and be fine. well, i thought that since I'm up i could do another post.

Easter was uneventful. the easter bunny didn't come, almost slept in and missed church, and spent 5 hours doing LE homework. oh how i despise that class, but must do the work for it. The teacher set a due date for Monday for all the outlines, but then halfway through the class he changed it. x.x me and Sarah were ticked about that. and when he pointed us out for talking, Sarah fought back for changing the due date. (she spent about the same amount of time as i did)

um, nothing else really exciting. just waiting for the semester to get over so that i can move back to ABQ. aahh, 5 months of being home. I'm sure I'll be dieing to get back up here, but for now the thought is wonderful.

one last thought, as people know they are making yet another high school musical (gag me please!) i didn't even want to acknowledge it, but now i might possibly be forced to watch it. more on this at a later time.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Disneyland! and many other things

More pictures, yay!


favorite picture

This is Howard!

bottom balcony on the left was ours

lounging after church

the watchers house. this was the best picture we could get

Quick! they're coming, drive away!

we came prepared

Kendall was scared out of her mind! she was on the phone with her boyfriend the whole time.

on the way to the watchers!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Birthday fun!

First was dinner, then laser tag and the park!

That thing was covered in 7 layers of ducktape...

Which turned into this! comment

Kendall got stuck, lol

We can fly!!


My 19th Birthday is on Thursday, but since i have class that night we (my friends and i) are going out tonight! woot woot! Mom let me have her gift cards to the Cheesecake Factory so dinner will be there. and then the activity will be Laser Tag! exciting! i'll try and take pictures and put them up. yay birthday!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Lonely Weekend

So I've been left in the land of never ending misery and cold all by myself. Sarah and Raelee left Thursday for California. Sarah's sister is getting married. yup and that leaves me with an extremely boring weekend. and I'm sick....ugg, i hate sore throats. and with that comes the lower back pain, and the popping in my ears when i swallow. i really hope my ears don't get infected. at least i was left with a key to the "fun" room! TV with cable and a large selection of DVDs should keep me company until Sunday night!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Long Awaited Post!

so i've decided that my friends are lame. so for now the pictures are just of the beach and Calico. whenever my friends decided to be nice and give me the good pictures (Disneyland and going to see the Watchers) i'll do another post.

okay, so the trip started at 2am-ish on Thursday. for some reason we thought it was a good idea to leave the middle of a blizzard. We ended up driving 7 hours in the blizzard going 35mph through the state of Utah. I only remember stopping a lot, Kendall yelling "I'M ON THE ROAD!!" when ever we hit the rumble guard, and the beginnings of the mountain men. After escaping the mountain men of Utah, the rest of the drive was kind of a blur. We arrived in L.A. and got to the hotel sometime in the late afternoon. pretty sure we all just collapsed for a little bit. Sarah had to go see some family and Raelee and Kendall went out to explore around the hotel. for dinner we went to In n Out burger. I LOVE IN N OUT!!! its greasy and fatty, but oh so good! we had it at least three times. then we went to Sarah's future inlaws house to have a little birthday celebration for Sarah.

Day 2! Disneyland Day!! i must say i was pretty excited for this day since i've never been to disneyland. i didnt get to go on all the rides i wanted to, but i did discover my new favorite roller coaster of all time. California Screamin' is awesome!! i got to go on it twice. some other fun ones were space mountain, hollywood tower of terror, and the madderhorn. By the end of the day we were all tired and grumpy. (we were there from 8am-12 midnight)

Day 3! that was the beach day. after all of us sleeping in, we eventually made our way to the beach with Sarah's friend Evan. i found some shells and Raelee found a sand dollar, but it broke. that night we went to go drive around L.A. and Hollywood. then went to Universal City Walk. it was like times square with all the lights and noises.

Day 4! not as exciting since it was Sunday. went to church and then had real food for once. then we drove out to go see the Watchers. its these people that come out if you park outside their house. they have a video camera set up in their windows. pretty sure thats the weirdest thing I've seen.

Day 5! the drive home took almost as long as getting there, just because we didn't want to go back. we stopped at Calico for about 2 hours, and many other stops.

the view from our hotel's balcony.


this beach had tide pools and surfers

the Ghost Town
these two meet some of the strangest people on this trip

i could not get out of that chair

trying to get out of the mystery shack

As soon as i get more pictures I'll put them up.

side note: after i posted this i noticed little boxes and they were links to Kendall's facebook from when i was attempting to use those but did not work out. but the links work! so there are some from Disneyland.