Thursday, May 29, 2008

when will it end!

just as i thought, its practically June and i want to get out of NM. school just barely started and i'm already want that to be over. I love being with my family and see old friends but i want to go back. sadly, its only june. i'll just have to keep myself busy for about 10 long weeks.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Busy Busy

i have pictures for this post but the wireless internet isnt working so it will wait

So last week i drove up to Provo for a week with my friends. Me and Sarah had a surprize birthday party planned for Raelee and a book signing for The Host. Unfortunately, Sarah got stuck in California (and is still there) and had to cancell our plans. oh, and the tickets for the book signing were sold out since April. i still dont know why she didnt tell me sooner that it was sold out. anyways, so it was just me and Raelee and their other roommate Kelsey to find stuff to do. For Raelee's birthday, me and her went out for lunch and shopping at the mall and a movie. then cake and games later. oh and presents. I was worried the glass ring i got her wasnt going to fit but luckily it did. (check out for awesome rings!) thursday all three of us did laser tag. friday ended up being a 6hr gamecube fest while kelsey was at work, but we did go out for dinner and movie making. It was a fun week, and i hope i can make another trip before the end of summer.

I just started at CNM for a few summer classes like step arobics. not excited about the 6am part. if i was still used to waking up for seminary then maybe it wont be so hard. i am excited to be taking it with Lisa. it should be fun!

Saturday, May 3, 2008


I caught him mid-sentence. (which made the picture even better lol) Me and Mom were in the kitchen and dad walks in with that hat. we both laugh and i say nice hat and run off to get my camera. oh and that used to be Melanie's winter hat when she was little.