Thursday, July 10, 2008

RIP The Old Pink Lady

The first car that i drove around was the 1990 champagne pink ford taurus that Roger found. Then Melanie drove it when i left last fall. Now, its going to the junker. The transmission went out, and for a car that only cost a few hundred its not worth fixing if for a few thousand. So, it will be pulled for parts with money in return. RIP
oh and Stevie has found Melanie a nice 1970s VW bug

so the big thing at the end of the month fell through. It was a trip to San Diego to go to the Comic Con with Sarah. We were going to meet Rob Pattinson (the guy playing Edward in the Twilight movie) we both realized that we are too busy. too bad, I was really looking forward to seeing Sarah freak out. dither spaz to the extreme.