Friday, February 20, 2009

death to dorthy

sorry for not posting any for almost two months, but nothing blog worthy has happened until now. and yah, its about my car. it needed an alignment along with a few other things before getting it re-registered. about 30 minutes later i get a list of things that need to be done before they can even do an alignment. with a total cost of $3500 or so. I called my dad right away to see what to do, and we are still thinking about it. I just want to sell it at this point. that stupid car has caused me so much trouble and stress. I was also planning on taking a quick trip home in two weeks, but now i cant. (i was really looking forward to a Golden Pride breakfast burrito)

Other news: Boston, my roommate's chihuahua was given away to someone who has the time to take car of him. my 20th birthday is in 3 weeks and i dont know what i want to do (suggestions would be nice) and Franz Ferdinand is coming in April and i am soooo going to that.