Friday, May 8, 2009


yah yah, its been awhile. its about midnight and i don't want to go to sleep yet. So, I am back in ABQ, again. and this time for a much longer time period. and just to clarify, cuz everyone is asking me, i was not in school while i was up in utah. just worked alot. and i've decided that the whole experience was a learning one. and something to get out of my system. i'll share some of the things i learned momentarily. Now that i'm back, i'm trying to get back into CNM, but its proving to be a tad difficult. i'll also just started back at the theater. if CNM falls through this summer then i'll probably pick up another job. my savings is shot at the moment and needs some attention. and i'm wanting to go on a mission, so i'll be saving towards that. um, nothing else too exciting to share. just the usual, fixed my car but broke withing 24hrs (ok, maybe a dog helped out with making it undriveable.....ok, maybe i hit the dog, but it came out of no where!!) anyways, here are just a few things that i learned.

- you can survive off of Wendy's double stacks
-having a air freshener in your car that says "This car is protected by the Holy Spirit" with a picture of Jesus on it, does actually protect your car from theft, but not from breaking down.
- food gift cards are the bomb
- if you dont nag your roommates to pay their part of the bills...they wont pay their part of the bills.
- if you cant find any of the dishes, go check Sarah's room...chances are they are somewhere in there.
- pixie sticks have a hang over effect if your not used to downing 12 of them at once.
- nerf guns are fun!
- metal sinks can catch on fire. (leave a comment if you want to see a picture)
- you have to work ALOT to bring home the bacon
- i HATE with an infinite furry, working until 3am thus not going to sleep until 4am.
- i have cold toes.

thats just some. So now i'm content with living at home, and staying for awhile. but i'll probably visit my old roommates in august, maybe. but i do know that i'm being forced to go up for the New Moon movie release. i'll see if that actually happens.