Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Its already halfway through my first semester. very exciting, but also a reminder that I still have the rest of the semester. I think i'm doing pretty well in most of my classes. my math grade is finally at an ok grade since my first test grade was very bad. by the end of the semester it should be super!

So I've decided not to do the dorms next semester. I'm not financially ready, but I have a very nice set up where I am. (i am so lucky to have a brother and sister in law that will let me live with them) at some point i'll get my own place closer to school. i was also thinking of getting a laptop. i'll be browsing alot before getting one and maybe wait until after christmas (hint hint wink wink) there will be a lot of end of the year sales.

One thing that i can not wait for is thanksgiving. hopefully i'll get to come home. its one thing i've been looking forward to all semester. that and christmas. its kinda funny, before i left i wasnt even sure if i wanted to come home for holidays and now i'm counting down the days untill they come. i guess that there is no place like home.

I'm still technology changellenged with this computer, so my pictures will be stuck on my camera for awhile.


Brenda said...

I loved going home too. Well done on making it half way through the semester! I agree you have the best brother and his wife is the bomb!

Shannon said...

Wow - already halfway! Congrats. What days will you be home for Christmas? We might be there for a little bit. Still trying to decide. We'll fight you for your old room! Just kidding...maybe.

Tammy said...

Its Melanie's room now so talk to her about it. I'll be there sometime between December 14 and January 7. If Greg and Brooke go down then I'll go with them. It all just depends on every one's plans. I'll have a better idea when it gets closer.

Lisa said...

Melanie has yet to move in. I think she's waiting for new carpet. Are you as busy with your classes as I am? I want to cry, I have so much to do.

Tammy said...

somewhat. in my IT-120 class we have to do 10hrs of outside work for each chapter with this stupid program. its called myitlab. right now its not too crazy, plus they are all beginning classes. hang in there sis!

Shannon said...

what is IT?

Tammy said...

integrated technology. basicly you learn how to use office 2007

Shannon said...

What is office 2007? :)

Tammy said...

i hope your kidding, but i'll tell you anyways. its microsoft office and excel and all the other programs.

The Albuquerque Sheps said...

Hey Tammy, I'm glad things are OK. I'm excited to see you during Christmas...and...tag your it. Go to my blog to see what to do! www.theshepherdsblog.blogspot.com