Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Things I Miss About New Mexico

1. The weather (it definately wouldnt be snowing in September)

2. The food. (I miss golden pride breakfast burritos and juan's broken taco)

3. Having a Target close by, or anything else for that matter.

4. Lexie (she is just too dang cute!)

5. The rest of my family in NM

6. Sandia ward (and people in Eldorado ward)

7. old friends

8. The mountains and how the sun sets on them (the mountains here dont do that)

9. Movies 8 (best movie theatre ever!)

10. Not having to worry about a clean room 24/7

11. Having a reliable internet connection at home

12. Balloon Fiesta season. Thats when it starts to get chilly, and its cool to drive around and see bazillion hot air balloons in the sky.

13. An easy to find camera shop (I'm stocking up when I go home)

14. The Albuquerque Temple. (sure there a tons in the Salt Lake Valley, but that one is special to me)


Shannon said...

Oh - Tammy is a little homesick!? I think New Mexico does that to us all. I should make an entry of all the things I love about NM - The Land Of Enchantment!

Sharon said...

What I miss about New Mexico.....Tammy!

Lisa said...

We're totally getting breakfast burritos on our way out of town on Friday! YUMMY!

Brenda said...

Hey Tammy. This may be such a stupid question, but have you ever seen the sun RISING over the Utah Mountains(It's not that I ever got up that early, it was about the time I would go to bed)? At any rate. It's amazing and I bet the colors of the mountains are to die for right now! We always want what we don't have! If it helps, there's a movies 8 in Provo!

Tammy said...

Lisa- could you get me one?? I don't care if it will be cold. there should be like a blakes lotaburger on the way up there. its a #1 or 2 with no beans. (ooo, another thing i miss! green chile burgers) or if you go to golden pride get me a #9

Brenda- I'll try and do that. the front room has a pretty good view. and I'm not driving an hour down to Provo for a movie. 3 minutes to the one down the street is fine. i miss working at Movies 8.

Shannon said...

The front room has an AMAZING view!

Tammy said...

true dat! alot of cars drive by. one day i could of sworn this guy was driving in circles

Andrea June said...

Oh, I am so well-acquainted with missing home. There's so much to do in California and I miss it.

I liked your comment about the mountains. We live on the 3rd floor and have an unobstructed view of the East mountains from our balcony. My favorite time is when the sun sets and they turn red!

Shannon said...

How was your week?

Tammy said...

fine, are you hinting that i need to make a new post? cuz i know i do.

Shannon said...

Not a hint - I really wanted to know.

Tammy said...

oh ok. it was okay. two papers to write and a midterm. super!!