Sunday, December 2, 2007


Only two more weeks left in the semester, and that leaves a list of stuff to do.

  • study for finals
  • make sure all my math assignments are done
  • finish my scripture journals for Book of Mormon
  • find christmas presents for friends and family
  • try and get into the dorms (plans changed again)
  • somehow make enough money to pay for dorms, food plan, books, and whatever else pops up
  • try and not get totally stressed out.

There might be more, but I dont remember at that moment. Good thing its Fast Sunday. Also, since it is offically Christmas Season I thought I would include my wishlist, since this is a list post

  1. a laptop, if I get nothing else on my list it would not matter. A college student needs to have a laptop. (this is the one I've been looking at http:// )
  2. winter sunday clothes.
  3. a nice warm down comforter
  4. dorm stuff
  5. soundtrack to Hairspray and Across the Universe.

Just a random last thought, I let homie in to lay on his bed and he stinks. I dont know why they dont give him baths. I bet he hasn't had one since he has been here. My friends have pet rats, and the rats get more baths than the dog.


Goddard Family said...

that would be really nice of you if you gave the doggy a bath...

Brooke said...

Tam he's an outside dog! Tay can bathe him in the spring when it is warmer and homie can dry off.

Brenda said...

We RARELY bathe our dogs and they're INSIDE dogs. I'm just trying to make sure our kids get baths. The dogs are the least of my worries! They do stink though!

Shannon said...

Must admit - we never gave our dog a bath. She only got one when she was kenneled whenever we went out of town.

Good luck on getting the laptop. What kind of dorm stuff do you need?

Tammy said...

I think brooke would freak out if I tried to wash the dog. It would require him being brought in.

I'm still working on the dorm list. but I do need XL twin sheets, but i might snag one from home. and a warm blanket if it fits in my suit case.

Lisa said...

Steven gave his puppy a bath last night in the sink. She's only 8 weeks old.