Friday, February 8, 2008


You'll need some back round info for this to make sense. so, that lamp is the ugly lamp that goes to the first girl in the whole group that gets married. it was Melissa's idea, but some how the lamp ended up in Sarah and Raelee's room. Now, fast forward a little, and the group is extremely separated. think of it as Axis vs. the Allies (the side i'm on being the allies, of course) so now we are stuck with the ugly lamp. that was until we stuck it up on the stairwell of the 13th floor.

What brought this on was the events of Wednesday night. I come over after work, peeved at Sarah and Raelee for the mean trick they did to me. but they were to excited to share what happened. so right before i came over the Axis (mostly Melissa and Tara) banged on Sarah and Raelee's door and left a bunch of white bags. pretty silly, and we still don't understand the meaning behind it. sarah and raelee just watch the door through the peep hole to see if anyone walks by and eventually they do. as tara walks by she sticks her tongue out at the door, and sarah sees and swings the door open and says thats cute. but they just walk off. we weren't going to do anything but since they want a war then we will give them one. we started thinking of what to do with the lamp. it had to be completely random. and then Kendal comes in (the blond in the picture. she lives next door and is our 4th to our little group) and gets sarah excited about leaving the lamp up on the 13th floor. so we go and do it, and have to be quiet because people are sleeping, and now we don't have that stupid lamp anymore. we're going to check on it next Wednesday to see if its still there.

OH!! almost forgot. I'M GOING TO CALIFORNIA!! exactly in one week i will be at Disneyland with Sarah, Raelee, and Kendal. with a long weekend comes a road trip so what better place that SOCAL! I'm soo excited. be expecting a long post for that.


Lisa said...

I don't get it. Your friend left a bag outside your door so to get back at her you put a lamp on the 13th floor?

Have fun in California!

Tammy said...

.....i guess its a had to be there thing. iono, but its still funny that there is a random lamp on the 13th floor.

Anonymous said...

Alright, I'm expecting it now. Now you cannot disappoint your adoring public.

Also, nice on the 'war'
If you need any help, I'd be happy to offer my services

Shannon said...

That is way over my head.

I made your reservation today - it is reserved on my credit card so just switch it when you get there or pay in cash. Have fun!!

Tammy said...

Thanks Shannon!

Brenda said...

I hope Cali welcomes you as warmly as it has me. It should be 84 degrees tomorrow:)

Shannon said...

Please tell us about your trip!!

Lisa said...

updates please?! I want to know about California!