Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Should be sleeping...

I've been up past midnight every night for the past 5 nights. i should be exhausted and sleeping but I'm not. i could go out for an hour or two and be fine. well, i thought that since I'm up i could do another post.

Easter was uneventful. the easter bunny didn't come, almost slept in and missed church, and spent 5 hours doing LE homework. oh how i despise that class, but must do the work for it. The teacher set a due date for Monday for all the outlines, but then halfway through the class he changed it. x.x me and Sarah were ticked about that. and when he pointed us out for talking, Sarah fought back for changing the due date. (she spent about the same amount of time as i did)

um, nothing else really exciting. just waiting for the semester to get over so that i can move back to ABQ. aahh, 5 months of being home. I'm sure I'll be dieing to get back up here, but for now the thought is wonderful.

one last thought, as people know they are making yet another high school musical (gag me please!) i didn't even want to acknowledge it, but now i might possibly be forced to watch it. more on this at a later time.


Lisa said...

maybe you almost missed church because you stay up so late. just a thought.
And can you bring my camera when you come home? Now that you have a FANCY one.

Melanie said...

I love High School Musical! Take pictures for me if you see any stars!

Brenda said...

I remember those days, staying up late, couldn't get up for church or work. Ahh the memories.

Shannon said...

Logan wants to know if you were in HSM 3???

Tammy said...

haha, no. she must not know how much i dislike that series. an update on that: Sarah was forbidden to go by her uncle. the one that works at Universal. apparently she has to be loyal. and she also had class that night...which was tonight.

Anonymous said...

Bah, that's not late at all. I haven't gone to bed before midnight for a long time now.