Friday, March 28, 2008

Video Extranzaganza!

so, I made this out of boredom one night when Sarah and Raelee were having quality roommate time. and i feel smart for being able to put up videos on my blog ^.^ when i made it i didn't hold back on photos so there are some embarrassing and inside joke type ones. but enjoy!


Brenda said...

I'm mega impressed:) I remember my first roomies. I still keep in touch with one through blogworld. Fun times!

Lisa said...


Melanie said...

You'll have to teach me how to make a video!

Shannon said...

It looks like you have had a great year!

The Albuquerque Sheps said...

Way cool!!!! You are in such a fun time of life...enjoy it!!!! Live in the present as Pres. Monson said. Good luck with the rest of your semester!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy happy joy time! WEEE!