Saturday, September 27, 2008

quirky things in life

Jessica Shepherd (who I've known since i was a beehive!) tagged me. now i get to share 5 quirks that i have. then i get to keep that chain going, muwhaa!

1. I don't like sleeping with a top sheet. it always ends up getting lost and i like to kick my feet out. Raelee is the same way and we were talking last night about how our husbands will have to learn to deal with it, lol.

2. i want to have every Muse song. right now i'm at 57, and not close.

3. i dont like to be rushed when getting ready for work. I'm less likely to forget something that way.

4. i like funny t-shirts.

5. At Target they have a section in the cds of up and coming artists and usually they are about $10. I like to pick one out and see if i like it. Some of my favorites have come that way. My senior year i would get a new cd every week.

There are my five! now its Shannon, Lisa, and Janalee's turn.
If want to do it just follow these rules:
1. Tell about 5 quirks you have.
2. Tag 3 fellow bloggers and leave a comment to let them know

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Day At The Park

the pond

geese that live at the pond

old carnival swing

We discovered Liberty Park yesterday, and it is now one of our favorite places. We havent even seen the whole park yet either! there is an Aviary, garden, wading pool, a mansion (it used to be a mill) three different play grounds, a huge pond, tennis courts, and lots more. we are excited to see all of it before it starts to get to cold.

New Start

Sorry for the delay of the post. i was just waiting until i found my camera cord so that i could put up pictures. Now, remember, we are poorly college students. so its messy....and lacking important a couch. there is a couch...but its not here. so, to the point, more better pictures later. The table we found at the DI (like goodwill) and cleaned it (it was quite gross) and spray painted it black. same with the chairs, along with recovering them. The tv stand was Greg's and he let us have it. (thanks Greg!) The kitchen opens up into the front room. there are no bedroom pictures at the moment. so sit tight, its coming.

Work at the theater isnt so well. Its easy, but they are overstaffed and not making attendance. so my job search is even more urgent.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Last abq

so today was my last day at Movies 8....and what a day it was. Its also Labor Day, and what to people do? they all come to see a movie. i sold over 1300 tickets in one shift. thats about how much they sell on a normal Tuesday...oh and there were 3 box office people. so basically, from the time we opened, we were slammed all day. i was about to go crazy with the phone ringing non stop (i've always hated the phone in box, but today was especially fierce and fiery hatred) lets say, i will be glad to take a little break from work.

i'm also packing. i never realized it before, but i have alot of t-shirts. they filled half of my largest suitcase. the rest of my clothes are pack and now i just have stuff to put in boxes. there is alot of that too.

so i'll be busy. i post-poned my travel day to thursday to have a little more time to pack.