Thursday, September 27, 2007

where did September go?

I can't believe September is almost over. i doesn't feel like it started! Okay, so whats going on in my life. Lets see, school is fine. already had a few papers to write and did rather good on them (pretty amazing accomplishment considering i didn't do so well last year, but it was the teacher) Last weekend, Brooke and Greg went to NYC leaving me to house-sit. It was nice to have a big house to myself, but that weekend it rained and got super cold. I don't know how to work the thermostat so i was freezing my buns off! one night i slept with 3 blankets and a sweatshirt. Other than that, i was a normal weekend. Plus i stayed home while mom and dad went to Hawaii, so this was nothing. mm, i got a new CTR ring. i out grew my other one, and its been on a chain in my car so it has changed colors from sun exposure.

Future events: Roger's wedding. that is coming up real fast. I'm excited because this will be the first wedding I've been to that is one of my siblings. Its what I get for being one of the youngest. I also get to see everyone there. I don't even remember the last time we were all together. With a big event like this, comes planning. We are leaving Friday and come back Sunday. Somehow Mom thought we were coming back Monday, which was the first i heard of it. I have school Monday, and don't want to miss anymore classes, so mom booked me a flight to come back Sunday. Then i was talking with Brooke when they got back and she said that they were coming back Sunday. Then we talked with Greg and said the same thing. And then after talking to Mom, we resolved it to me still having to fly back. So now I have to find a ride home from the airport. This is an example of bad communication.

Other exciting news, my VA check should be coming in soon. Yay for free money! Now I can go for another semester. In a couple of weeks I will be changing my phone service to verizon, so my number might change. If it does and you would like it just leave a comment or email me and I will get it to you.


Lisa said...

Tammy, what are you wearing to the wedding? Would you like me to bring that maroon skirt that I "borrowed" from you? I'm wearing a navy dress.

Tammy said...

no, you can keep it. but i would like my steal of a deal black cargos that you stole right before i left. its starting to get cold, and i would like to wear them atleast once before packing them. i'm wearing my black skirt and i bought a brownish/redish button up shirt. it was on sale at old navy.

Lisa said...

I'll have to think about it.

Shannon said...

I would like your new phone number!

Lisa said...

oh ya, I want your number too. I also just washed your shorts. But I heard that it snowed there yesterday, so you might have missed your window to wear them.

Tammy said...

no way! i can still wear them in the house. and i'll get the number to you guys when i have it