Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April Fools On Me

April Fools is really not my favorite holiday, just because i can never think of anything good. and I'm so easily fooled. My awesome friends got me good. For a week they had me going on my friend Jessi wanting to April fool's my roommate and needed a key to get in my room. Not what they really had planned.

Raelee and I decided to go see a movie (The Eye, awesome movie!) and I left my key with Sarah so that she can give it to Jessi. All during the movie, Sarah kept calling me and Jessi was texting. i was kind of annoyed and just ignored them after awhile. Then we went and got pizza and i talked to Sarah and told her what stuff was mine and what was Ndeshi's. After we were going to go take pictures, but the battery for my camera was dead so we just went home. Kendall and Sarah were downstairs waiting for us and Sarah gave me my key back. We were all going to go to the Drama Club's showcase, but i had to run to the bathroom. so I go to my room and i see that all my stuff is gone. exact words i said, "OH MY FREAKING GOODNESS!!" you know when you have moments when you realize everything at once....i had one right then. All i found was a note saying April Fools love Sarah, Raelee, Kendall, Anna, Jessi, and Ndeshi. Turns out while i was at the movie with Raelee, Sarah and Kendall took all my stuff and put it in Kendall's room. i wish i had taken a picture, but like i said my camera was dead.

The rest of the night i was upset with them. i tried to be a good sport, but it was hard. Poor Sarah, being the ring-leader i took it all out on her. its all better now, except that i have no clue where anything is and i have to reorganize what i had already packed away to take to Greg's.


Lisa said...

Ha ha!

Brenda said...

LOL! Make them help you organize it!

Sharon said...

Tammy, get rid of the security blogger, it's a virus.

Shannon said...

Mom - how did you get so computer savy??

Tammy said...

thats the third one i've gotten. i wasnt on my computer all weekend so i didnt get a chance to delete it earilier.