Saturday, August 16, 2008

Fall Plans

I'll be moving back up to Salt Lake in two weeks! Labor Day will be my last day at the theater and i'll drive up that Wednesday (Sept. 3) I'm pretty excited and keep thinking its a few days ahead of what it really is. I'll be living with 3 friends (sarah, raelee, and kendall) in an apartment right by school. though, i'll be taking fall semester off. i will just work full time at a theater there. but not the one i was at before. Sugarhouse is something to experience just once. The new theater will be first-run, and more screens. Its somewhat out of the way so i'll be on the job search.

This week Lisa and I are going to Phoenix to visit Shannon. we'll leave early tuesday and be back friday or saturday. i'm not excited about the heat, but very excited to see the new dwellings. maybe i'll finally get some color on my pasty legs.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Funny video

youtube never fails to entertain me. i have to watch it 9 times to see all of it, lol.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

back on track

After all these months of waiting, and being pulled into the black hole that is Twilight fever...I am back! Finished the book today so now i feel like i can move on. (thank goodness!) oh, until the movie comes out. but it wont be as bad. those books have a way of sucking you in and not letting go until your done.

Other exciting news, Mom got a baby grand! Its a little banged up but plays very well. now we just need to find a new place for the upright and someone to pawn the organ off on.
More news! i'm on my last week of summer semester! i'm excited to be done. and the break i'm taking from fall semester will be wonderful. it will give me time to refocus my energy and maybe help me find something to focus my education on. if not, there are always generals.