Sunday, September 21, 2008

New Start

Sorry for the delay of the post. i was just waiting until i found my camera cord so that i could put up pictures. Now, remember, we are poorly college students. so its messy....and lacking important a couch. there is a couch...but its not here. so, to the point, more better pictures later. The table we found at the DI (like goodwill) and cleaned it (it was quite gross) and spray painted it black. same with the chairs, along with recovering them. The tv stand was Greg's and he let us have it. (thanks Greg!) The kitchen opens up into the front room. there are no bedroom pictures at the moment. so sit tight, its coming.

Work at the theater isnt so well. Its easy, but they are overstaffed and not making attendance. so my job search is even more urgent.


Lisa said...

Looks like fun! keep us posted

Shannon said...

Good job on the table - it turned out cute. And just so you know - poor does not equal messy! Though you are still moving in and unpacking so I will cut you some slack. Someone has A LOT of movies!